Amphibious Right of Way Mowing & Clearance
We Provide Solutions for All Your Right Of Way Maintenance and Compliance Needs
James Utilities can offer ROW mowing in areas that were previously never accessible. Our ROW vegetation management team has the tools to handle all of your clearing and mowing needs. Even if it involves open water!
Our Marsh Master MM-2LX Amphibious Mowing buggy is the latest in floating ROW management. The MM-2LX Cutter is a hydraulically driven, two spindle cutting unit that is designed specifically for wetland mowing applications. Capable of cutting vegetation and brush up to 2″ in diameter with ease, using two heavy-duty rotary blades to cut a 76″ swath through deep underbrush and tall marsh grasses.
Ideal for applications in areas that limit other equipment, such as:
Amphibious Right of Way Mowing is a practical alternative to costly aerial herbicide applications or mowing operations in wetland areas inaccessible to non-amphibious equipment. Contact us today for complete details and a quote on your next project.
Right Of Way Maintenance (ROW)
Mechanical Cutting
Manual Cutting
Sideline Trimming
Amphibious / Wetlands Mowing
Facilities Maintenance
Herbicide Application
Line Locating